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Meticulously chosen products!
Right now, you can print practically any 3D object you can imagine–from toys to gadgets to replacement parts, and beyond!
All you need is a 3D printer…and they’re simpler and cheaper than you ever imagined.
This full-color, step-by-step guide will get you started–and if you want, it’ll even walk you through building your own 3D printer from an inexpensive kit. Packed with colorful photos and screenshots, it explains all the crucial details other books skip.
You’ll walk through choosing and assembling your new 3D printer kit…brainstorming and designing new objects with free software…and then printing them on your brand-new 3D printer.
3D printing is today’s hottest new technological revolution, and this book takes you right to the cutting edge!
Discover how 3D printers work and what you can do with them
Compare and choose your first 3D printer–either pre-built or kit Assemble Printrbot Simple, one of the world’s easiest 3D printer kits
Install and configure software that tells your 3D printer what to do Print your first 3D project from an existing object file Use free
Tinkercad software to create your own original 3D models
Explore AutoDesk’s free software for 3D printing
Use Print-It-For-You services for projects your home printer can’t handle
Find great 3D printing projects and models on the Web Imagine creative new uses for your 3D printer
Wittystore is a company focused on products that are ingeniously clever in conception, execution and expression.