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Vacuum Casting
Vacuum Casting process, or Urethane Casting process as it is also known is suitable for the production of a small quantity of injection moulded components with the quality of injection moulded parts without the level of financial investment required for tooling development.
Polyurethane vacuum cast components produced from Silicone Mould Tooling (SMT) are an economical way of producing production like parts for exhibitions, market research, batch prototyping, or in some instances, low-volume production.
The required surface finish for the parts is created by the master pattern used, typically an SLA model finished to the required specification, such as spark finish or gloss. An existing component can also be used as the master pattern.
Vacuum Casting allows for the faithful reproduction of components in a wide range of polyurethane resins to simulate production materials. Vacuum casting enables customers to produce highest quality prototypes and quickly manufacture short-run production components in the right material for their individual project.
Wittystore offers to its customers an extensive range of Vacuum Casting Resins designed to emulate most thermoplastics (eg PP, ABS) in look, feel, colour and physical properties such as high heat resistance, flame retardant (UL94 V0) and UV stability. This range allows us to closely match to your production intent materials.
Advantages of Vacuum Casting
Some considerations
WittyStore si occupa di prodotti emergenti con alto contenuto tecnologico. Operiamo in tutt'Italia.