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Meticulously chosen products!
The Babylon.JS Editor is an open source project maintained by the community. The mission is to provide community-driven powerful and simple tools that help Babylon.JS users to create beautiful, awesome 3D games / applications. It comes with deep customization features and is built using Electron to support cross-platform development. Using the latest version of Babylon.JS, the Editor allows creating highly customizable 3D web project skeletons based on the powerful ES6 modules version of Babylon.JS.
The Editor source code is fully open source sharing the same licence as Babylon.JS. All code is available on Github and is open to all contributions/feedbacks.
More info about this project can be found at http://editor.babylonjs.com/
The Babylon.JS Editor is built using Electron and provides support for major operating systems including Mac, Windows and Linux. All features are made to work on all supported platforms.
The Editor comes with some built-in projects including Third-Person-Shooter and First-Person-Shooter examples. This is perfect to learn by experimenting using these templates.
Visual Studio Code integration
The Editor has been designed to work perfectly with VSCode. It includes remote debugging and shortcuts to quickly access script files attached to objects in scene. Simply double-click a script in Editor and it will open in VSCode or simply start remote debug in VSCode and put the desired breakpoints to start step-by-step debugging.
Graph Editor (beta)
As a non-developer it now becomes easy to develop custom behaviors for objects in scene. The powerful Graph Editor allows to create and customize objects at runtime. No third-dependency required as all graphs are translated into TypeScript code and compiled with the rest of the project.
Babylon.js is a real time 3D engine using a JavaScript library for displaying 3D graphics in a web browser via HTML5. The source code is available on GitHub and distributed under the Apache License 2.0.
As with any other 3D library it provides built-in functions to help you implement common 3D functionality more quickly.
Its use has developed into a variety of fields such as:
- Blockchain worlds
- Crime data visualization
- Education in medicine
- Fashion avatars
- Managing Kinect on the web
- Military training
- Modelling historic sites
- Product design
- RDF graphs
- Urban underground infrastructure modelling
- Advanced rendering
Are you ready to tap into your creativity, using the most advanced 3D rendering anywhere on the web? From HDR image-based lighting, to the latest in Physically Based Rendering (PBR) support, to a full toolset of Post Process FX, with Babylon.js, you have a nearly limitless toolset for creating stunningly beautiful experiences, all inside of your browser.
- Animation
Animating objects with Babylon.js is incredibly easy. So easy, in fact, that you can animate any object in your scene with just one line of code! It's not just simple, though, it's modern and powerful as well! With full support for complex rigid-body skeletal animation, blending between different animations, and blending between morph targets, Babylon.js helps make the animation workflow simple and effective.
- Particles
With the powerful particle system in Babylon.js, jaw-dropping FX are at your fingertips. Whether using sprites or solid mesh particles the creative possibilities are truly limitless. Best of all though, it's all built with performance in mind. Meaning with Babylon.js, not only do you get both the beauty and power of complex FX, but you get it without worrying about degrading your experience.
- Physics
For truly unique experiences and worlds, nothing beats adding complex physics interactions to your game. However physics is computationally expensive. Luckily, amazingly smart people across the globe have created several powerful open-source physics engines, and Babylon.js has built-in support for the best of them!
- GUI System
Creating amazing menus and 2D interactive layers to your 3D scene is a snap with the GUI system inside Babylon.js. From buttons, grids, stack panels, lists, a full VR GUI toolkit, and more, you'll find everything that you need in this intuitive GUI engine.
- Audio
As a game creator, your number one mission is to immerse your players in fun. Nothing gets your blood pumping faster than amazing music and sound. Whether you're looking for ambient, directional, or fully spatialized sound, Babylon.js brings immersive sound capabilities directly under one roof in a powerful, easy-to-use sound engine.
- XR Games
AR/VR games are no longer limited to carpet-scorching gaming rigs. With Babylon.js, you can create immersive, rich, AR/VR experiences directly in your browser! A ton of the hard work has been done for you, and with the WebXR helper, you can get a AR/VR scene up and running in a matter of minutes.
- Active and friendly community
Finally, what truly makes Babylon.js special is the active open-source community that supports each other in creating amazing experiences. As you begin your Babylon.js journey, this amazing group of passionate folks is eager and ready to help you get started and answer any of your questions.
Wittystore is a company focused on products that are ingeniously clever in conception, execution and expression.