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Es un recipiente en el que colocar el hilo mientras está tejiendo y resuelve el problema de la bola ..
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Se trata de un elemento mecánico que se emplea para la fijación temporal y el ensamble de piezas. Es..
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Creative ideas to make your office look really cool!
Paper clip to hold your paper.
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Creative ideas to make your office look really cool!
Very simple adjustable stand for tablets, ..
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When you want it done right...Do It Yourself!
A series of model rockets named after fish, startin..
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Marco de gafas médicas reutilizables imprimibles en 3D basado en el diseño FDM-1 utilizado en hospit..
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Merry Christmas for you and your family!
Nothing expresses the majesty of winter wildlife quite l..
Marco de máscara facial imprimible en 3D reutilizable utilizado en hospitales durante la pandem..
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When you want it done right...Do It Yourself!
Use the metabrick by wizard23 as standard "quick p..
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When you want it done right...Do It Yourself!
You can chose: A cylinder or rectangle / square, T..
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When you want it done right...Do It Yourself!
A physical key generator for two separate kinds of..
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When you want it done right...Do It Yourself!
A rolling chassis version of the PLA Spring Motor ..
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When you want it done right...Do It Yourself!
Here is a small building game that we can easily t..
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Your own personal, autonomous aircraft— 3D printed, home built and auto-piloted by you. We’ve engine..
The Amazing Gyroscopic Cube Gears, a brilliant 3D Printer file ready to download for free.
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