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My own concept car design,which wasn;t easy to create it. Created with CAD software moi3d.To develop..
There was online competition,which I took it pretty seriously,so I gave my best to create my unique ..
My sportscar concept created without image references.I just followed my creativity,and tried to cre..
My design of supercar concept created and designed with blender3d software.
All objects are joint..
AutoCAD® is computer-aided design (CAD) software that architects, engineers and construction profess..
Get integrated CAD, CAM, CAE, & PCB on a single development platform. Also includes EAGLE Premiu..
Professional-level CAD, CAM, and CAE software, free for you.
Gain access to one int..
Production 3D Printer
Take on more projects faster with 3D Systems’ ProX™ 950 Ster..
Introduce More Vibrancy in Your Life
The da Vinci Color is XYZprinting's first FDM desktop 3D pri..