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The International Space Station’s 3D printer has manufactured the first 3D printed object in space, paving the way to future long-term space expeditions.
Both technologies exist to achieve similar results, however depending on the scale of your project, desired level of accuracy and your budget one will typically be a better choice than the other. In some cases a combination of the two can produce the most desirable outcome.
With this phrase the witty store started its Christmas campaign for the year 2015, launching on the European markets the M3D micro 3D Printer.
During our visit in Birmingham for the TCT show, walking in the city centre, we met the performing artist Gijs van Bon with his incredible sand writing machine Skryft.
Fused soap printing (FSP) it is technology were existing hard soap is used as printing material in order to create a 3D object from a 3D model file.
Charles Hull (Born: May 12, 1939, in Clifton, Colorado) is the inventor of stereolithography (Patent No. 4,575,330), the first commercial rapid prototyping technology commonly known as 3D printing. The earliest applications of 3D printing were in research and development labs and tool rooms, but today 3D printing applications are seemingly endless. The technology has been used to create anything from sports shoes, aircraft components, and artificial limbs to artwork, musical instruments, and clothing.
The earliest 3D printing technologies first became visible in the late 1980’s, at which time they were called Rapid Prototyping (RP) technologies. This is because the processes were originally conceived as a fast and more cost-effective method for creating prototypes for product development within industry.
Wittystore is a company focused on products that are ingeniously clever in conception, execution and expression.