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Looking for an amazing free online tool to visualize and 3D print archimedean solids, platonic solids, and captivating dodecahedron stellations? Look no further than Solids. In the realm of 3D modeling and design, having access to powerful tools that facilitate the visualization and exportation of solid figures is paramount. Imagine an online program that enables users to effortlessly explore and manipulate various 3D solids in a virtual environment, and further empowers them to export these figures in STL and OBJ formats for seamless integration with other modeling and printing software. Enter "Solids," a remarkable free online program developed with JSModeler, offering users an intuitive and immersive experience to visualize, export, and unleash their creativity with Archimedean solids, Platonic solids, and dodecahedron stellations.
Wittystore is a company focused on products that are ingeniously clever in conception, execution and expression.