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Meticulously chosen products!
Mk5 Fabkit, The first professional CO2 laser cutter kit!
The FabKit is no ordinary laser cutter, designed and manufactured in Eindhoven, Netherlands.
The FabKit offers a professional, opensource CO2 Laser system at a competitive price.
Perfect for small enterprises as well as professional makers and hobbyists!
The FabKit has been designed from the ground up ensuring the best possible CO2 laser cutting experience at the most affordable price!
While a DIY kit is a great weekend project for some, for others it can be quite an intimidating a task.
However fear not! The FabKit is a DIY machine from concept, which means we have designed it from the ground up to ensure ease of construction and maintenance!
What's in the box?
The FabKit comes standard with every you need to get cutting and engraving.
Hardware assembly
All you need to build the FabKit is a set of screwdrivers and a spanner.
The assembly is broken into stages, each stage corresponds with a bag of components with all the needed parts for that step.
Electronics assembly
No soldering, No crimping, all cables are the correct length, labelled, striped and crimped. Packaged in sub-assemblies its a simple case of grabbing the bag for the next step in the manual and plugging it in the corresponding locations.
Wittystore is a company focused on products that are ingeniously clever in conception, execution and expression.