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Meticulously chosen products!
When you want it done right...Do It Yourself!
A rolling chassis version of the PLA Spring Motor printed entirely in PLA, spring and all, requiring no batteries, bearings, screws, power supply, electric or drill motors to operate.
The first photo is of the original PLA Spring Motor, Rolling Chassis. The second is with the updated rear wheels and axles. The original prototype works best on short carpet with the original wheels as it will spin out on hard floors or when wound to 100%. With the updated wheels and axle it works best on hard surfaces and will run 12 meters plus.
UPDATE: Uploaded two new files, "Axle Rear Slotted.stl" and "Wheel Rear Slotted.stl". The new wheel allows for a rubber band tire, and the new axle allows for the new wheel width, both of which allow the PLA Spring Motor, Rolling Chassis to run on hard floors. The prototype runs an average of 12 meters across a hard surface before coming to a stop. UPDATE 2: Uploaded "Pawl New.stl", use this if your slicer has trouble with "Pawl.stl". Use safety glasses when operating the PLA Spring Motor, Rolling Chassis. While I've operated the mechanism well over a hundred times without a failure, I always recommend erring on the side of caution as the spring could snap and send pieces flying where they shouldn't be flying, and that's never a good thing.
Carefully study "Assembly.skp". Note that the .skp file should be used as an assembly diagram and not be used to print parts as the parts in the .skp file may not be the final parts as found in the .stl files. Print all PLA parts from the .stl files. Print "Knob.stl" and "Spring.stl" with Makerware "Standard" settings modified for 100% infill, the remaining parts using Makerware "Standard" settings with the default infill. Test fit and trim, file, sand, etc. all parts as necessary for smooth movement of moving surfaces, and tight fit for non moving surfaces. Depending on the colors you chose and your printer settings, more or less trimming, filing and/or sanding will be required. Assemble as per "Assembly.skp". Lubricate moving surfaces with light machine oil.
Good print and enjoy!
PLA Spring Motor, Rolling Chassis by Greg Zumwalt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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