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Weeks of intense R&D have resulted in a passel of exhausted kobolds and the Stinger Micro Ballista. The Stinger's designed for printing on tiny 3D printers; the entire engine, nock included, will easily fit on a 128x128mm build platform. Best yet: it prints in two pieces instead of four, considerably reducing one's time-to-Seej.
The nock's been completely redesigned to fix a firing problem that' has plagued previous ballistae. We've also included models designed to fit on U.S., Euro and U.K. pennies.
This particular ballista was printed in PLA/PHA.
Good print and enjoy!
Micro Ballista by Jim Rodda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
WittyStore si occupa di prodotti emergenti con alto contenuto tecnologico. Operiamo in tutt'Italia.