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MultiJet Printing (MJP) or MultiJet Modeling (MJM) is an inkjet printing process that uses piezo printhead technology to deposit either photocurable plastic resin or casting wax materials layer by layer. It is an additive manufacturing method in which UV bulbs fully cure layer upon layer.
MJP is used to build parts, patterns and molds with fine feature detail to address a wide range of applications. It is excellent for form-and-fit testing, show models, concept models, direct casting patterns and rapid prototyping.
These high-resolution printers are economical to own and operate and use a separate, meltable or dissolvable support material to make post-processing a breeze.
Another big benefit is that removing support material is virtually a hands-free operation and allows even the most delicate features and complex internal cavities to be thoroughly cleaned without damage.
WittyStore es una empresa que se ocupa de productos emergentes de alto contenido tecnológico.