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Meticulously chosen products!
Featuring some useful 3D printed objects for your home!
Door Stop Multitool-Optimized downside to Maximize the grip performance for holding the door in place, while on the other hand smoothly slipping in under the door when placed.
If you want to add more-extra-ultra grip to the downside of the door stop you can use a rubbercoating.
Printed the door stop with these settings:
0,1mm layer (to produce a nice surface and to make it more stable.)
1mm walls (to make it strong enough to really stop a door.)
20% infill (If you don't use any infill the part will probably work afterwards, but the top surface could have problems because of the bridging needed. There is no extreme bridging, so it could work. I printed it with infill to make it stronger,too.)
With these settings and a speed of 50mm/s it consumed 4h 15m of printing time.
Good print and enjoy!
Optimized Nonlethal Door Stop Multitool by ChrisMUC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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