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Meticulously chosen products!
Antibacterial properties
PrimaSELECT PLA AntiBac is a PLA-based antibiotic/anti-microbial filament and has the ability to kill germs that it comes in contact with. This opens up a wide range of new applications. Thanks to the antibacterial agents added to this filament it will inhibit the amount of bacterial growth by at least 88-99,6% (depending on bacteria) Its antibacterial agents has also been tested according to the ISO 22196 standard.
Prints for everyday use
AntiBac greatly reduces the risk of germs and bacterial growth which makes it perfect for schools and household use. Thanks to this new innovative material you can create and use functional prints for your every need without being worried of bacterial growth.
Why is this filament important?
When you print with regular filament the layers will create small nooks and crannies where bacteria can attach and grow. It´s almost impossible to clean a 3D printed part to a degree that makes in actually “germ free”. This is where the AntiBac comes into play, it will effectively kill all bacteria it comes in contact with and create a safe to use print. Besides that the AntiBac behaves like regular PLA so it´s really easy to use and to print with.
Wittystore is a company focused on products that are ingeniously clever in conception, execution and expression.