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¡Productos cuidadosamente escogidos!
The Prusa Mendel i3 is the third version of the open source 3D printer Prusa Mendel.
Threre are different variation for this model. In this kit plastic parts are moulded and not printed, like usual. This means that parts are now very strong. However we suggest that you print backup parts when your printer is running.
Offered with this kit: 1x pool of white ABS filament, 1kg, 3mm/1.75mm Polyimide Tape 33m x 10mm (Kapton tape)
It consists of a 3mm thick iron frame and an Y carriage accommodating a platform print of 200mm x 200mm. The J-Head can accommodate several nozzles with a diameter ranging from 0.3mm to 0.7mm. RAMPS 1.4 controller can handle up to two nozzles.
The complete kit includes:
1x Set of black Moulded ABS plastic parts (only the body extruder is still 3D printed).
1x Frame and carriage
1x J-Head for filament 3 mm, extruding 0,4mm (with thermistor and heater)
1x Heatbed Mk2B (with Thermistor)
1x Arduino Mega2560 R3 1x Ramps 1.4 and 4 stepsticks A4988
1x Power Supply 400W 33A 12V DC (110V or 220V)
1x Fan 4x4
1x Hobbed bolt
3x Mechanical endstop
2x GT2 Pulleys and Belts
5x NEMA 17 stepper motor
11x LM8UU linear bearing
2x Coupling 5x5
4x 608 ball bearing
1x 624 ball bearing
1x fiberglass plate
4x Binder clips Complete set of screws, grub screw, washers, nut, nylstop nut, threaded rod, smooth rod (stainless) and connection cables.
All the information to build your printer is available here:
"If you are considering building one, realise that this is a hobbyist's machine: it's going to take a while to put together and get working well. If you aren't interested in building a 3D printer and just want one that works, you should buy an assembled commercial version. If you're going to enjoy the challenge and like tinkering, this kit is a great place to start."
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