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Meticulously chosen products!
Print-in-Place design of a Scorpion. The tail rotates up and over. The pincers also rotate and, when squeezed, open to grab onto things. Another fun print!
Refer to instructions for print settings to ensure it is strong enough. NO SUPPORT REQUIRED.
After printing, carefully snap/cut away the Raft so you don't damage the legs or Pincers in particular. As soon as the Raft is removed the tail should rotate
up and over the Scorpionz back and Princers move and nip/grab onto things. Take care when you first rotate the pincers so they break away cleanly. Just a
gentle wriggle / twist should clean it away fine.
The standard design print is approx. 17 cm in length. This could be scaled up but scaling down will not work as it will affect internal clearances and could
also make the joints too weak.
There is also a 'short' version (15.7cmlong) available which has one less link in the tail. It still works fine and will enable Scorpionz to be printed on
machines with smaller build plates. If rotated to 45 degrees, the model will fit on a build plate measuring 13cm x 13cm.
This should print well on most 3D printers. On a Replicator 2 and 5th Generation Replicator they come out great with the following setting:
Raft On
0.20mm / Std Resolution
Minimum of 3 Shells / Recommend 4 Shells (to ensure it is strong)
35% infill
No Support
PLA (Not tested with ABS)
After printing, carefully snap/cut away the Raft so you don't damage the legs or Pincers in particular. As soon as the Raft is removed the tail should rotate
up and over the Scorpionz back and Princers move and nip/grab onto things. Take care when you first rotate the pincers so they break away cleanly. Just a
gentle wriggle / twist should clean it away fine.
Another tip is to put a drop of oil into each of the rotating joints to make it move smoothly and reduce the risk of any catching inside between fragments /
lumps of filament that may have resulted during printing.. Free movement will help minimize the risk of fine parts breaking.
Scorpionz by muzz64 (Murray Clark) is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - No Derivatives license.
Wittystore.com has obtained permission from the author to publish this design on its website.
Original license, links, 3d models, images and full instructions are included in the downlodable file.
Wittystore is a company focused on products that are ingeniously clever in conception, execution and expression.