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Meticulously chosen products!
Vircadia is an opensource metaverse. Its vision is to pursue a metaverse worth living in.
The Vircadia open source metaverse ecosystem is comprised of many components:
- Clients: Web Interface (All platforms), Native Interface (Windows, Linux, MacOS).
- Domain Server (Windows, Linux)
- Metaverse Server (Windows, Linux), Dashboard (...)
- SDKs: Web
- Tools: Vircadia Builder (Linux)
The Vircadia Web Interface (codename Aether) uses the following stack:
1. Quasar - UI components
2. Vue.js - Reactive UI framework
3. Babylon.JS - Game and rendering engine
4. Tooling
i. Webpack - Packaging
ii. Babel - Compilation
iii. ESLint - Code linting
iv. Jest - Code testing
It relies heavily upon the Vircadia Web SDK for its networking, metaverse, and scripting functionality.
- Develop client applications for Vircadia using the Unity 3D engine.
- Integrate Vircadia’s server and ecosystem with your web app using a simple module.
- Join the same worlds as desktop users with just your web browser. Better support for low-spec PCs.
- Vircadia’s domain servers can support hundreds of people interacting in realtime. All customizable through the Web Dashboard.
- Manage users and worlds through the Web Dashboard.
Spatial audio:
All voice audio in Vircadia is spatialized by default. Have a chat or experience concerts as they are meant to be heard!
Hundreds of people together
Vircadia's virtual worlds can scale to hold hundreds of people in the same space without instancing.
Custom avatars
Your users' avatars can be changed on the fly and come in any style. You can also make use of avatars provided by our partner, ReadyPlayerMe.
Vircadia's worlds are among the largest with 4096km³ of build space. All building and scripting of your world happens in real-time. This means that building is quick, efficient, and collaborative.
One server; All platforms
Vircadia worlds can be accessed from Windows, Linux, and macOS. Android, iOS, and Quest 2 support is coming soon.
FLOSS + Decentralized
Unlike most platforms, Vircadia is 100% open source with the full software stack necessary for a premium metaverse experience licensed as Apache 2.0. Because of this, all aspects of the project can be customized for your use case.
Wittystore is a company focused on products that are ingeniously clever in conception, execution and expression.